Required for registration: Paid Order # from your PADDLE receipt; or a valid code from the NKD-Group.
When registering please do not use your most secure password. You may find it convenient to share email and passwords for group work.
Account registration grants, you the user-registrant, access to: a) the Internet-hosted “Flip Book” version of the ARMDAT textbook, and b) the WinORS-2021 software system.
Please allow up to 24 hours after submission of the registration information for your email invitation from FRAME - the host service for the WinORS software (no additional payment is required).
Important security information. When your attempt to login to any part of the subscription services results in 3 or more failed logins your computer may be tagged as “suspect.” That is, the IP address (Internet Protocol address) for this computer will be blocked. If your computer no longer responds to a login request, please follow the instructions on the tab labeled “Blocked” at the top of this page.
After three failed login attempts your account is blocked from all future access. This is a security feature that reflects today’s realities.
To regain access to the ARMDAT book and other services, you must send and email to: . The following information must be included in the email: (i) the IP address of the blocked computer and (ii) type of computer (PC vs Mac) and the operating system in use.
What is your IP address? Go to this link to retrieve it: