Online Exams and Quizzes
The link provided below the instructions permits access to the practice quizzes and exams. Exams may be password protected.
Exam Special Instructions -- VERY IMPORTANT
The following instructions will be in effect after you LOGIN to the SpeedExam Portal
- Open a new instance of your browser with a single tab. Close all other instances of your browser,
- Maximize your browser before the start of the exam to avoid a security violation warning.
- For a secured exam – The exam will automatically terminate if you reach the maximum count of permitted Unusual Activities (i.e., prohibited activities – see list below).
- Close all pop-ups or automated programs that interact with the display screen. Examples include, but are not limited to, email programs, calendar events, phone, other notification systems, and screen management programs. When screen actuation comes from systems described above, SpeedExam counts the event as an “Unusual Activity” violation. Don’t know how to stop pop-ups? Use these links: WINDOWS or APPLE
- The exam Timer begins when you press: Start Exam. The countdown (see top right) will display the time remaining for your exam session.
- When enabled for an exam, you can pause the exam timer – a PAUSE button will be visible (see bottom right). However, at the end of the class, the instructor will terminate all exams. Exam will also terminate after the total time available for the exam is reached.
- If you Drop the exam, it will not be submitted, and the results will not be generated.
- For essay/text entry questions, you must press Submit Answer. Clicking Submit Answer periodically guarantees that at least some part of your answer is recorded. You can continue editing the answer or even come back to the question and edit anytime before the Finish button is pressed. Essay/text questions are graded by the Professor at a later time and are not included in the score at the end of the exam.
- It is your job to monitor the timer. One minute before exam termination the timer will turn “red.” It is advisable that you click Submit Answer ASAP. Due to latency issues common on ALL Internet based programs, make sure you click Submit Answer at least 15 secs prior to max time for it to be recorded.
- You must press Finish to make sure your answers are properly recorded.
- Once the exam is finished, it cannot be resumed. You are permitted to Finish the exam even if some questions remain unanswered.
- All questions except drag and match (DM) are one point each. The points per question are shown on the top of the screen next to the QID number. QID is the question ID number. Drag and Match protocol and hints.
What is an unusual behavior?
- Minimizing or Resizing the browser.
Opening a new tab or new program Taking a screenshot (manually or auto-generated) Pressing Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V, Print Screen, or F12.
Can I retake a terminated exam?
- In the event of a termination you may have the option to retake an objective or DM exam one more time. The opportunity will exist only if the computed score of the terminated exam is less than 2%.
- Exam must be reattempted within 5 minutes of the termination and within the exam window, otherwise you are subject to the score received from the previous terminated exam.
- To retake the exam, return to your dashboard, and click on the Retake button. If the Retake button is not visible you have scored more than 2% or you have already used up your retake allotment.
- If the Retake was successful the new score will be recorded.
- Since the questions are from a randomized data bank the new exam will not be identical to the terminated exam.
Login: The SpeedExam Candidate Portal